about me
Hello, I'm Radka!
Here's a bit about me to help you decide if we are a possible therapy-match.

My Training
- Diploma in Gestalt Counselling (BACP Accred. Course), Gestalt Centre, UK
- Certificate in Humanistic Counselling, Gestalt Centre, UK
- Introduction to Counselling, Mary Ward, UK
- Trainee Therapist and Initial Assessor at a low-cost community charity in Hackney, UK
- Social Prescribing Link Worker Volunteer at Mind, UK
- Montessori Assistant Training (3-6), MMI, UK
- Montessori Assistant at a private childcare setting (0-3, 3-6), UK
- Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training (200h), India
- Wat Ta Pam Wua: Vipassana, Mindfulness Practice and Breathwork, Thailand
- Volunteer at The Mindfulness Project, Thailand
Culture I Language I Collective
- English as a Foreign Language Tutor: adult and child learners, online and in-person
- TEFL Certificate Course (120h), UK
- Volunteer community EFL tutor, Central and Southeast Asia
I lived in four different countries and can hold the therapeutic space bilingually in English and Slovak / Czech, and also have limited working proficiency in French, Italian, German, and Greek.
I attended to people’s needs in service and management for 10 years.
- Diploma in Gestalt Counselling, Gestalt Centre, UK
- BA (Hons) in Advertising, Public Relations, and Media, Middlesex University, UK
- BA in Hospitality and Tourism, Faculty of Economics, Matej Bel University, Slovakia
My Values
- A holistic approach to wellbeing
- Justice, equality, and taking responsibility for one’s life and the impact we have on others
- Embodiment: connecting with, noticing, and attuning to one’s body as a route to freedom, self-awareness, and acceptance of “what is”
- Critical thinking
- Recognition and leveraging differences: helping the unheard to find their voice: minority/non-normative lens focus
- Ecology and environmental consciousness
- Intersectionality: being with multiple aspects of one’s reality
- Abiding by the BACP’s Ethical Framework
- Commitment to my continuous professional development and ongoing supervision
- Buddhism-leaning
My Intersectional Identities
- White Other
- Able-bodied
- Immigrant
- Queer
- Gender non-conforming (she/they)
- Neurospicy
- Impacted by a transgenerational trauma (class/context/belonging/freedom of speech, identity, and movement)
- Polyglot
- English as a second language speaker
- ENM / polyamory
I have experience with:
being a work in progress
failing and getting it “wrong”
attending therapy
early years- nurturing, supporting, and teaching
transcultural therapeutic and non-therapeutic work
In order to find our voice, we have to be in our bodies, able to breathe fully and able to access our inner sensations.

Bessel van der Kolk